Aug 29, 2024 _ news
Matt Scott Earns ACHA Certification
Join us in celebrating GBBN Associate Matt Scott who recently earned certification from the American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA).
Recognized by the American Society of Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) and the American Hospital Association (AHA), the ACHA certification provides independent assurance that an architect has the demonstrated experience and requisite knowledge to design and implement solutions that meet the complex needs of healthcare clients.
The certification process not only requires applicants to assemble a portfolio of completed project work to demonstrate their experience in the many facets of healthcare architecture, it also requires them to pass a rigorous, comprehensive exam that covers everything from design and implementation to the economic and regulatory forces shaping the healthcare industry.
“Board Certification is an independent, peer-reviewed process,” says Angela Mazzi, a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Architects and our in-house champion for her GBBN colleagues seeking certification. “At GBBN, we value the ACHA designation and commitment to excellence of the staff who earn it. Our clients can feel confident that we’re bringing experts to the table and trust that their projects are benefitting from industry best practices. Matt’s certification adds another dimension to the insight and experience he brings to his work,” she says
Given the requirements of certification, why did Matt choose to pursue it? “I wanted to join a talented network of healthcare professionals throughout the country,” says Matt. “It’s a nice validation to know I have the knowledge base to be a part of this group.
An alum of the AIA Cincinnati Vision Leadership Program, Matt has helped shape our approach to pediatric healthcare in addition to his work on a variety of healthcare projects including medical office buildings for Cincinnati Children’s, the nation’s top ranked pediatric health system, as well as TriHealth’s new Finneytown medical office building.
Congratulations Matt!