Oct 10, 2022 _ news
In the News: GBBN Workplace Insights Featured in The Playbook
GBBN’s workplace insights were recently featured in The Playbook, The Business Journals‘ nationally syndicated column that shares business trends, innovations, and best practices so owners and executives can successfully manage, grow, and protect their organizations. The Playbook spoke to GBBN’s Chad Burke, a principal and director of Commercial and Workplace projects and Beth Latto, an associate principal and interior designer about how we are helping clients navigate the transition to the kind of hybrid work environment that can propel organizations into the future.
“There’s a very different work cadence from people today. People have gotten into a groove and have proven their productivity working from home,” says Beth. “One of the things we’re hearing is, ‘We finally have a language to articulate the things people have needed to be both productive and engaged.’ Forward looking companies are looking at how their physical workspaces can intentionally create density and support people while they’re together in-person at the office.”
Many clients are curious how to maintain company culture, foster mentoring in younger employees, and create opportunities for in-person collaboration in a hybrid work world. “There’s a spectrum of needs, says Chad. “One size does not fit all. We talk with companies about what their needs are based exactly on what type of work they’re doing and what kind of culture they have.”