Mar 12, 2020 _ news
Covid-19: How we are staying prepared
People are our priority. We empathize and understand this evolving situation will present major obstacles to everyone’s daily routine. GBBN is taking specific measures to protect the health and safety of our employees, their families, our clients, and communities while maintaining the level of service you have come to expect from us.
Starting Monday, March 16, our United States employees will be working remotely. Here is what to expect:
- GBBN project teams have the technology enabling them to effectively continue their work. We anticipate the ability to continue our normal workflow without interruption.
- Project managers will stay in communication with clients and consultants as normal.
- We have suspended all business travel until further notice. Should a business-critical travel need arise for your project, please contact your project manager to discuss viable options.
- GBBN employees are being advised to handle all client meetings remotely, via Zoom, Skype, conference call, or other digital means. If you feel you need a face to face meeting, please contact your project manager to discuss.
We are staying abreast of all directives from local government and public health officials. Since the situation in the United States and around the globe is fluid, we cannot predict the future and our response to the same may change. We will provide you with regular updates. The most time sensitive news and updates will be shared with you via email, while other information will be posted to our website and social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
One additional note:
As the Covid-19 situation evolved in China, our Beijing office team was able to quickly pivot to a remote work plan that prevented any disruption to their work and communication. Our US offices are similarly prepared. We are happy to report that all of our Beijing employees are back in the office, safe and healthy. Read more about their experience here.
GBBN values your relationship, and we are dedicated to keeping you informed as we all address these challenging circumstances