The Heart of it All
Jewish Community of Louisville, Trager Family Jewish Community Center
To Project Types
Louisville, KY | 106,500 SF

The Trager Family Jewish Community Center in Louisville holds a unique place within the region’s cultural heritage. It has been a beacon of integration for successive waves of Jewish immigrants to Louisville; home to countless Jewish families over the past 120 years; a place of unity and cohesion for Louisville’s Jewish community; and a hub of inclusivity and understanding within the broader population. Inherent in the organization’s mission, vision, and core beliefs is a holistic commitment to the fundamental wellness of individuals and their communities.

GBBN worked with the Jewish Community of Louisville to create a multi-purpose center to serve future generations of Louisville’s Jewish and Metro communities. The building is organized around the core experiences at the center of the Trager Family Jewish Community Center’s mission: the Jewish Learning Center; fitness and aquatics; and social programming, including a theater and cafe. These three components – understood as the Mind, Body, and Soul of the institution – are linked by an airy public space at the core of the building dubbed “The Heart.”

For over 130 years, the Jewish Community of Louisville has been a true community center, welcoming our entire community in and turning no one away. Our new campus will provide a modern, open and accessible facility to gather in ways that have never been previously possible.

The facility brings new energy to these vital programs by maximizing connectivity between them and uniting them around common spaces that reinforce a shared sense of purpose and community. The building is designed to be an open and inclusive place, suitable for civic discourse and informal interaction amongst the Trager Family Jewish Community Center’s diverse and wide-ranging membership (people of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds are welcome at the Trager Family JCC).

Environmental graphic design strategies were incorporated into the space through cohesive wayfinding, identifying moments for playful graphic expression, and the unique design of the center’s donor wall.