How we work
Developing evidence-based design solutions to inform smart decision-making and resource allocation.
Research identifies design opportunities and provides the foundation for innovation. Weaving research into user-centered design helps make the most of our clients’ resources.
The Opportunity
Every project offers rich data, and the opportunity to continuously improve by applying lessons learned to new work. Driven by curiosity and intent, we start with a simple question: “What does a client want to measure?” We follow that with analysis and knowledge integration, which we share across project types. This cross-pollination allows clients in the arts and healthcare to benefit from research on wayfinding or solar shading. It allows both higher education and workplace leaders to leverage research around Passive House design. From primary or secondary research around specific topics to spatial analyses of building congestion points to post-occupancy evaluations, we work to develop clear, testable hypotheses and collect the data needed to address them. We look for opportunities to integrate research into our design process, customizing it to suit the project, client goals, and budget.
Observations + Findings
Observations may be done in person or through computer simulation. Data can be collected from users interacting physically with mockups or by interacting with a space virtually using Augmented Reality. Findings are packaged into digestible deliverables to help clients understand how their projects can do more and work harder for them. No matter the topic or project, our research uses a rigorous process. The information we’re able to collect and analyze comes from occupancy evaluations of our own projects as well as from behavior observations, crowdsourced data, or studies with university partners like Clemson University, University of Kentucky, Georgia Tech, and others. This approach contributes to a shared body of knowledge across industries like healthcare, higher education, and the arts.