May 31, 2022 _ insights
From Healthcare to Heal
At the 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Congress, I was proud to present “Systems Shifting Focus from Healthcare to Heal,” which shared insights from a new report by the American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) Future of Healthcare Task Force. Joining me for the presentation were my Task Force colleagues: Michael Covert FACHA, COO of Northeast Georgia Health System and Lisa Charrin AIA, ACHA, Vice President/Equipment Strategist at Ross and Baruzzini.
As President of ACHA’s Board of Regents, I convened and led this Task Force to study and recommend ways to improve access to healthcare. In particular, the Board wanted to amplify ACHA’s collective expertise by looking proactively at healthcare industry paradigm shifts and the role the built environment will play. The Task Force was comprised of ACHA certificants and members of allied organizations such as the American Society of Healthcare Architects (ASHE) and the Beryl Institute.
Specific questions posed to the Task Force were:
- How will healthcare be delivered in the future?
- How can we create an equitable healthcare system?
- What kinds of spaces are needed to accommodate this?
One of the major takeaways from the Task Force report is a need to shift away from the term “healthcare,” which suggests just treating illness, and toward “health” by promoting overall physical and mental well-being. By taking a holistic approach, we can create communities that support people throughout their lives, not just when they’re sick.
Read the full ACHA Task Force on the Future of Healthcare report here. Learn more about ACHE’s 2022 Congress here. Learn more about my approach to healing environments here and here.
Angela Mazzi FAIA, FACHA, EDAC is a Principal at GBBN. Harnessing studies on human psychology, research on our biological need for nature, a focus on clinical workspaces, and experience with Lean strategies, Angela creates exceptional environments that empower patients and practitioners. She regularly presents and publishes her research in industry and peer reviewed journals and is sought out by Healthcare Design Magazine, the New York Times, and other publications to share her healthcare expertise with their readers.