Mar 5, 2020 _ news
In the News: GBBN Working with Cincinnati Children’s on New William K. Schubert M.D. Mental Health Center
The largest financial gift Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has ever received will be used to create a new behavioral health facility on their College Hill campus in Cincinnati. In addition to more private rooms, the design of the new facility will create more therapeutic treatment settings to tailor care and better meet the needs of patients.
Known as milieu, these therapeutic treatment settings are where patients and residents will spend most of their time; how they’re designed can restore a sense of normalcy during a vulnerable period and de-stigmatize the experience of residential behavioral treatment. “Our approach to behavioral health incorporates much of our research into health-generating spaces,” says GBBN Associate Principal Angela Mazzi who is part of the design team working on the project. “We use the built environment to reduce stress and build confidence so that treatment can be more effective and destructive or aggressive behavior reduced.” You can read more about our approach to designing therapeutic milieu by reading Angela’s recently published insight piece here.
“We are seeking to create a building that’s an honest expression of mental health,” says Jay Studer, who has also been an integral part of GBBN’s project design team. “It addresses the ups and downs that are an inherent part of childhood, but in a welcoming way that gives patients and visitors confidence in the care that happens there.” The project is currently in design and plans to open by the end of 2023.
Read more about this project in the Cincinnati Business Courier.